Monday, 19 September 2011

Free Credit Report

   Best Ways To Have One.

In order to get your annual free report, you have to make a request for your copy because this is not something that is automatically sent to your mailbox. One way to do this is to go to each individual site of the three main credit reporting companies. However, this is not highly advisable because this would be very inconvenient on your part as you will need to make three separate requests for each of these agencies.

Moreover, in some instances you will be charged for your copy of the annual report unless you meet the qualifications for the free copy, depending on the company's standards and policies. In order to avoid such incident, it is best to go directly to the official website of the three companies who merged on this site in order to give their common service; which is to send you your free copy of the credit report.

Therefore, the best way for you on how to get free credit report online is to go to the  web site mandated by the federal government for this purpose. The three major credit reporting bureaus will supply you with an annual copy of your credit report upon your request. You will receive one report from each of these companies under only one request.

There are top three credit bureaus where you can ask for a copy of your credit information. The said major players in credit reporting are the Experian, Trans Union and the Equifax. These CRAs have a copy of your personal information, credit history and your credit score as well. All these information will be put into one report per annum. If you want to ask one of the credit bureaus to provide you with your credit status, aside from your free copy yearly, then you will have to pay for their service charge.

Yes, you have three credit records and they aren't the same but it isn't necessary to have all the three reports at the same time. If you want, you can get your reports for free every four months by obtaining one report from one agency over the course of the year. However, if you have been a victim of an identity theft, it is advisable to get all your three credit accounts at the same time.

Special Conditions When You Can Get a Free Copy of Your Credit Report
Sometimes, due to special circumstances, you can get a copy of your report free of charge aside from your yearly free copy. You have the right for a free credit report under the said circumstances:

o If your credit has been denied, you should ask for a copy for the next 60 days
o If you are under public welfare assistance
o If there are changes in your credit information based on your requested investigation
o If, after being unemployed, you decided to apply for work
o If you have been a victim of an adverse decision in your employment because of a piece of information that your credit account holds
o If your file has inaccurate details because of identity theft or fraud
Why Should you Take Advantage of a Free Credit Report Online
Online acquisition of a free credit record can be as easy as visiting an online site and checking or clicking what you want such as "free copy of my credit report" and submit it. Unlike other websites, Annual Credit Report will not charge you for viewing your account. It offers quick and easy transactions that are free of charge, except if you request for your credit score. Here are some of the reasons why you should grab the opportunity of having a free copy of your credit history:

1. To Stay Away from Identity Thefts and Fraud

Identity theft happens when a person makes use of your personal information like Social security number or credit card details to perform deceitful activities. Once you get your free online credit report, check it thoroughly and ensure that no one has reduced your credit score by means of identity theft. If in case you find inaccurate information in your file, then immediately contact your credit bureau or the credit card company that's involved and ask them to change the wrong information.

2. To be Able to Correct False or Inaccurate Information

It has been recorded that one out of four credit histories have serious errors, and most of these are bad enough to negatively affect an individual's eligibility to make a loan. Credit agencies have refined and strict protocols in credit reporting but there will still be mistakes. There are times when outdated details are still in your report when they were supposed to be omitted. Getting a credit check online is an excellent way to ensure that your credit details and personal information are accurate and up to date before you decide to apply for a new credit card or a loan.

3. Evade Upsetting Credit Surprises

Checking your credit score is an excellent way to avoid being trap in an embarrassing situation. It can't just help save your time and effort; it can also help you in building a more informed decision under a wide range of financial situations.
With all these above-mentioned benefits, you have enough reasons why you should take advantage of a free credit report online.

Free Credit Report

  Online Free Credit Report Tips.

Online credit report has indeed become very helpful to the government. It has saved their time in providing this information to the people because it can now be seen through the internet. Not only does the government benefit from these services, people benefit a lot from it too.

It is now more convenient for them to view their credit scores just by requesting it from websites that provide services on credit. When people choose to view their credit scores, they are spared from spending too much and save a lot of money. They are also assured of privacy and security.

An online credit report for free is made available for all US citizens every 12 months. They will be able to access their accounts just by providing important information such as name, date of birth, social security number, and address. If this information is proven to be authentic, then the credit report can be provided.

The beauty of a credit report is that it can now be requested not just once; unlike before that credit reports were only available to Americans once a year. Today, people can now request reports on their credits from any of the three credit bureaus participating. For example, a person requested for his report from Experian, after a few months, he can also request another ones from Trans Union and from Equifax as well. This is also a good idea because this person can compare on the reports shown since all of these bureaus have different opinions and ideas based on the activities made by a particular person.

Credit reports actually help a person decide on whether he should get a loan or not. It is also an important factor for him to consider when he is deciding to enter into something, which needs financial assistance, and most especially, reports are also a good way to know if he is dealing with interest rates and want to decide if he wants to negotiate or not.

Good credit will save you a lot of money in interest charges and hefty down payments. It seems like everyone is requiring good credit. Landlords are requiring good credit to rent their property. Cell phone companies need to see a good credit history or you will need to pay hundreds of dollars in security deposits. Good credit ensures you are not paying 20% interest on your new car. Even employers require a good history to get a job! You need a job to pay bills, right?

With identity theft running rampant, you need a credit report online. These thieves steal people's financial information to obtain goods and services they never intend to pay. In many cases, these negative items appear on the victim's report for months before they discover this blemish. By this time, it may be too late to have the negative item removed. Hours of disputes with the credit companies and pages of dispute letters can be avoided by checking your credit often.

Checking your credit periodically and maintaining a solid credit history will save you thousands of dollars. You can get a credit report for free online. You will be able see all the items on your report that affect your credit negatively. This will give you an opportunity to resolve the issues and improve your credit. Knowing that your credit is free of erroneous items will ensure you won't go through the hassle disputing with creditors!